
Current Name: Flamegaze
Other Names, if any: Flamekit, Flamepaw
Age (in moons): 26 moons
Gender: Female-she/her
Sexual Orientation: straight
Creation Date:12/14/23

Purrks: Silver Tongue-active

"Lying is a choice. Choices become instinct."


"I chose to honestly lie to everyone."

Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: Shadowclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any:
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Rough sketch of Flamegaze by me.

Interpersonal Connections
Father(s): -
Mother (s): -
Sibling(s): Thrushbriar(@Catherine)

Mentor: Unknown

Apprentice(s): Eaglepaw(@Katiethewolfchild), Doeflame(@kittycatburmise)
Best Friend(s): -
Friend(s): -
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): Mapledusk(@Moth Dusk), Firetail(@ChristmasFawn), Bitterbane(@corrosion!)
Enemies: -
Crush: -
Significant Other: -

Overview: Can appear kind and sweet on the outside when she wants to, she is very good at lying. She is sarcastic and snappy on the inside, and sometimes that shows. she is a brave fighter, but prefers to get her way with words.
Traits: sarcastic, smart, self-confident, Charismatic, Convincing, ambitious

Mental Age:24
Psychiatric Complications: lonely-doesn't have many friends, slightly paranoid
Phobias: Crowds, confined spaces

        Sociability: 8/10
  Outlook: 6/10
              Responsibility: 6/10
        Cleanliness: 9/10

Bravery: 8/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Greatest Hope: To lead the clan, or become an advisor to the leader. she believes that she can lead the clan better than anyone else. Well, almost anyone.
Greatest Strength: Charisma/Talking her way out of situations
Greatest Weakness: Her pride
Worst Nightmare: --(TBD)
Deepest Darkest Secret: --(TBD)
Most Treasured Memory:--(TBD)
Quirk(s): ears twitch when surprised

Extra: She is very devoted to shadowclan and Dawnstar, and admires her deeply.

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Black & Orange & a tiny bit of white
Fur Texture: soft
Fur Length: short
Markings: Tortoiseshell markings
Eye Color: amber
Body Type/Structure: slim,  but  muscled
Weight: 10 lbs
Voice: smooth
Scent: Pine
Scars / Deformities: None yet
Diseases / Conditions: N/A
Coordination: ok
Reflexes: Excellent
Strength: Good


Place of Birth: Shadowclan
Date of Birth: ---
Former rank(s): Apprentice, Kit
Beliefs: Starclan, Dark Forest


...none yet.